It seems so long ago in class IV when my class teacher started a game of "Tag" for us. One day she announced in class that we would be playing this game for the rest of the week. She explained that she would begin the game by tagging one person in the class. That person must do some good deed for another in order to tag her and so on. She added that she hoped everyone in class was tagged and had passed on the tag atleast once in that week.

Our ma'am added that she'd got the idea of the game from Benjamin Franklin. He'd once given $20 to a poor student to pay his fees. When the student completed his education and became wealthy, he came to Mr. Franklin to return the money. But instead of taking it, Mr. Franklin told the young man to pass on the money to some other needy person and continue the chain this way. They say that even today the amount continues to be passed on.
Anyways,to get back to my story, it was a memorable week for us all. I don't really remember who was the first one tagged but we all tried our best to keep the tag chain. Picking up dropped tiffin boxes, lending pencils to each other, helping in studies, helping on the playground when someone fell down...the number of ways we came up with to pass on the tag were remarkable.
One of my friends who had the tag on her for a whole day finally brought a rose home for my mom who was unwell with fever that time. And ofcourse once she gave mom the rose and mom smiled her thanks, she'd tagged me!
I don't know if it was a very effective way to get us to do good deeds because they say you must do good deeds because you want to...and here we were just doing them to pass off our tags. But it certainly worked. At the end of the week when we'd to giv ma'am our feedback, we said we didn't have enough scope for doing good deeds just among ourselves. She told us we could continue the game outside school also and to other people also. The tag could be passed on to other friends, family and even any stranger we helped. the only criteria was doing some good deed for tht person.
In my so-very-busy schedule i'd forgotten the game till i got the mail. So I've decided to renew it and play it again. Lets see how many tags I can pass out. And maybe if we all passed on tags of good deeds, we'd really hav a gr8 world around us!...Ready to play a game of Tag anyone??