Friday, September 22, 2006

The joys of winning!!!

Lets hav a little flashback for this...remember the TPP and PPT that we wer preparing??!! the paper finally got selected for the final 10 and then came the intensive practise sessions! Reading and re-reading and byhearting some parts of the tpp, understanding others, getting used to the slides, learning each other's part also to synchronize slide clicking...phew its a wonder we actually managed to get thru it all!!

Then there was the part abt printing 2 hard copies of the paper. My tpp partner insisting on professional digital printout wasted good 2 hrs at the printer's. Also another 3 at L'oreal getting myself presentable for the presentation!

A complete dress rehersal later we wer almost ready to face the judges and audience. The first day of Techithon with first 5 papers being presented caused us to re-evaluate our preparations! The next day of Techithon, the day of presenting the next 5 papers, the day we wer to present our paper.....the D-Day!!!!

What was most touching to see was the overwhelming crowd of supporters tht had gathered exclusively for us. Armed with atleast half a dozen digicams and camera cells they wer waiting as if we'd unveil 4G itself! Ofcourse the Millipede paper by SP team was too good and our hopes of winning dampened a bit!

But my tpp partner really does perform well under pressure and i got hold of my confidence and courage too out of thin went 'like a dream' as the saying goes and we even fielded all questions successfully!!!

The results wer declared and the 1st prize goes to......4G : THE FUTURE OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS!!!!!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Putting together a TPP and a PPT

So ACE's techfest Techithon'06 is around the corner. Was in the organizing gang last yr so couldnt really participate in anything worthwhile! This time around one TPP is a must. (Technical Paper Presentation!!).

So decided the search begins for a topic. Unfortunately I have a rather erudite TPP partner who can be irksome at times. Specially when he takes the HOWGIH & HOWGAL approach to detailing every move with regard to paper preparations. Someone should tell him the freedom and creativity that the unkempt mind experiences! Still its preferable to have some1 u can bounce ideas off than someone whos a super mugger!

Anyways so the topic is set! Cant really disclose it in a blog for fear of copyright violation! And research is on in full swing (read ctrl+c & ctrl+v). Google earns slightly more hits per day. And MS Word usage percentage in the world has gone up a little more too. The paper has to be written by ourselves ofcourse for fear of rejection from the judges!

For now working to get the paper and its PPT (power-point presentation!) organized and ready! Checking my mailbox daily for an approval frm the TPP ppl! Lets hope we get to see the light of the D-Day!!