Monday, September 04, 2006

Putting together a TPP and a PPT

So ACE's techfest Techithon'06 is around the corner. Was in the organizing gang last yr so couldnt really participate in anything worthwhile! This time around one TPP is a must. (Technical Paper Presentation!!).

So decided the search begins for a topic. Unfortunately I have a rather erudite TPP partner who can be irksome at times. Specially when he takes the HOWGIH & HOWGAL approach to detailing every move with regard to paper preparations. Someone should tell him the freedom and creativity that the unkempt mind experiences! Still its preferable to have some1 u can bounce ideas off than someone whos a super mugger!

Anyways so the topic is set! Cant really disclose it in a blog for fear of copyright violation! And research is on in full swing (read ctrl+c & ctrl+v). Google earns slightly more hits per day. And MS Word usage percentage in the world has gone up a little more too. The paper has to be written by ourselves ofcourse for fear of rejection from the judges!

For now working to get the paper and its PPT (power-point presentation!) organized and ready! Checking my mailbox daily for an approval frm the TPP ppl! Lets hope we get to see the light of the D-Day!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

all the best,
i'm sure the PPT of TTP will be a PTP-(perfect technical performance)!!!