So its a well-known cliche that "History repeats itself". But this history is one of a kind. It repeats itself once every 4 years. It doesn't have a name as such but I call it the "Cricket Worldcup vs. Board Exams" tug of war. Its more difficult than writing the board papers themselves. And if you are caught in the middle of it (like I was!) then God save you!!!

This unusual post was actually triggered by Dilip Vengsarkar's comment in the 'Mumbai Mirror' today. The worldcup starts 13th March and Maharashtra board's SSC exams start 8th March. So Mr. V urged students to study and do their best while Team India does its best in WI. If the current students are anything like me, I dont think they'll pay any heed to his oh-so-practical advice!!!
I remember tht day very clearly, it was the first of March, 2003. India-Pakistan's Worldcup match and 2 days to go for my HSC Maths paper - my nemesis! I was plonked b4 the TV, A pack of Lays on one side, a bottle of Pepsi on the other and the maths textbook in front. The initial plan here was to context switch between match and calculus.
But the moment the match began all thoughts of maths vanished!! Clapping at cheering at every wicket (India bowled first) and later rejoicing at every run that brought us closer to a daunting target that India chased. The maths book that I was supposed to solve from was used as a flag of triumph to wave for every four and six!!
Match over...India won!!!...Pepsi spilt...Lays packets floating around...and a sharp descent back to earth and the world of board exams. 2 days later the showdown to the tug of war and guess wat...both were winners!!! Good maths paper and good match as well!! Hope all the current board exam givers are as lucky too!!! All the best folks!!
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