Being a lecturer is hard-work...and not the least bcos the job is taxing but more bcos u actually dunno wat to do in the lot of free time in between lectures and pracs. We still aren't allowed the liberty of chit-chatting on phone anywhere anytime!
So it was one such evening at about 4.45 p.m. with 15 mins more to kill b4 i could punch my way out of the college (that refered to the time card i need to punch b4 i leave! sheesh! dont take everything i say so literally!!). Even as I wondered what I could do in those 15 mins without making them seem like eons (remember Einstein's theory of relativity?), theres Poonam ma'am to the rescue!
She walks in the lab, chides me for being so free, cautions me that idling away is a crime for someone as active as me, and whisks me off to a session of Paradigm of Life. My initial reaction? "Er...maam...i aint very interested in Yoga and Meditation!" Second thoughts? Heck if it helps pass 15 mins count me in! So here I am sitting in the very first row in the presentation hall, wondering how I got there and also enjoying being called "ma'am" by the students so busily preparing for the session.

Which is when I get my first, second, third...nth hand info about POL as its members call it! Its a club in college that a group of students have come together to form. Their objective? grooming and educating themselves and others in the finer mannerisms and interpersonal skills of life. I hope I've defined it correctly since that is what I gathered it to be! What impressed me the most what the finesse and co-ordination with which the session was conducted...and coming from a fest veteran like me its a very big compliment!!
They put up a new word every session, with its pronunciation and background. Also perhaps its usage (ofcourse going by Ajay's template usage any word fits in the sentence "Poonam ma'am told me to use ________ word in a sentence"). Each session has some session leaders who take charge of ensuring that the session runs smoothly. And I clap for their punctuality that is correct to the minute. Most appreciated strategy in the club's management would be having an elaborate selection procedure for its members...reason? they get only dedicated members and not defaulters and the "not-very-enthusiastic" variety!
Coming back to the session I attended, it was very informative regarding non-verbal communication, gestures, personality, etiquette and mannerisms and a host of other tips and tricks. To say it was interesting would be more of an insult than a compliment for there was never once a moment when any of the audience dozed off!!
All in all, I ended up leaving college at 7.00 p.m. and was firmly convinced that I'd do so every Thursday bcos I cudnt possibly miss it. Hope to pour in some suggestions for the mgmt next time and hope they are considered too. Blogs too will carry quite a lot about POL sessions frm now on i guess (i wont refrain from criticism when i feel like it ppl!!) Three cheers for all those who are a part of POL!! And ofcourse looking fwd to the next session!!!