Considering the craze and hype that the boy-who-lived has managed to generate, I'm sure u kno wat are dementors and patronuses. For the uninitiated Muggles, "Dementors are those magical creatures that guard the wizard prison Azakaban" - so quotes Aunt Petunia. And patronuses? "They are something like an anti-dementor that help to drive away dementors - so quotes Prof. Lupin.
Well if ur thinking this is an attempt to start building a HP Encyclopaedia, you are totally off-track. The reason I mention them here is very different. To quote from HP-5 book again, Muggles can't see dementors but they suck all happiness from their surroundings and in their presence u feel as if u'd never be happy again.

So have u experienced that ever? The feeling that life's lost its zing? the feeling that theres defeat and disappointment all around? The feeling that a lot of things u liked aren't happening anymore? I felt that some days back in my vacations. They were the longest boringest vacations ever with nothing exciting happening and no sight of admits, results, anything! Besides them, lots of other gloomy thoughts to bog me down!! Perhaps this means theres a dementor lurking around u sumwhere!
How to beat it all? Just think of pleasant thoughts, things u enjoy

them if u can, think of the happier times to come. In short conjure a Patronus! Its nt sumthing u can succeed at in one go...conjuring a corporeal patronus (one with a definite form) is very very advanced NEWT level magic! Bt its nt all tht hard too...and yea my patronus? well a blog is hardly a place to discuss the form it takes...thats a personal question! And hey if all tht effort to conjure a patronus doesn't work for u...well a big bar of chocolate always drives them away!!
So folks...all those inspired, convinced, fascinated, entranced, motivated...ok u get the the post, pick up ur wands, concentrate on ur best memory and say EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!
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