Std IV : "Dear you must write only a 15 line essay. Don't write more than the printed lines on the paper"

Std VII : "Your unforgettable journey was a walk in your building?? Write this again please"
Std IX : "Please choose some universally acceptable person for the person you admire the most. Peter Pan is hardly someone to write about"
SSC Board Exams : "You write very well but remember you are giving your board exam. Stick to the pattern. Don't write like you are writing a thriller story."
HSC Board Exams : "I think you should read some essay books and pick up their style. Yours is...rebellious"
Engineering Communication Skills (CS) : "Write briefly and to the point. Use minimum words and dont describe more than you have to."
GRE Writing : "You aren't writing a blog for them. Write in the established pattern and template."

Does this look like I've been suppressed in my writing throughout my academic career? Oh no, these were the comments I got before every major exam. The year-end finals, the boards, the sem exams and now the GRE. Listen to what these same people said otherwise when I wrote for pleasure.
Std I : "I'm gonna send your review about Enid Blyton's books to the school magazine"
Std IV : "Everyone please listen to me. I have a short story from Chaitali here that won the first prize at a story writing competition. Its really good."
Std VII : "Chaitali's won the first prize in an essay writing competition! The essay is very well written and very different!"
Std IX : "So many articles in Marian Notes??!! All the English teachers like your writing!"
SSC : "You will be on the editorial team for Marian Notes this year."
HSC : "Will you be editor for the science-club's newsletter?"
Engineering : "You will head the magazine committee for Innovate'06."
Preparing for GRE : "Chait your writing style is excellent! I really like it!"
Don't think I'm boasting or complaining will you? But it makes me wonder sometimes. If without the pressures of an examination everyone likes and appreciates my writing then why don't the examiners do the same?
Why do I have to suppress my thoughts and stifle my creativity? Why must I don a dowdy cloak of tried and tested writing when I know that beneath it I wear a resplendent original gown? Is something wrong with my writing or is it the examination system at fault?
Perhaps its the way in which we look at exams that is at fault. If only I were allowed to write without caring for marks there too perhaps I'd be able to retain my individuality and character. Nevertheless I wonder...should I have picked a sword instead of the pen early in life??
I settled for a keyboard instead and turned to blogging!!
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