Yes i realise now...its the pill of success! From winning prizes to holding posts of responsibility. From being showered with oodles parental affection (the kind that an only a single girl child can claim!) to always having many many caring, trusting and interesting friends. I have been lucky, yes very lucky all the way.
But uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Will this Midas touch wear off someday? Then what? Will i also be reduced to trying to call friends who never respond or spend time writing depressing blogs? I need you Lady Luck even more now because I'm so used to your presence. Because it is hard to give up the addiction to the pill of success.
But then as quoted in 'The Alchemist', if you really and badly want something, the whole universe conspires to give it to you. And one good turn deserves another. I believe in these quotes, and yet...I reach out to Touch Wood.
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